We left Port Hardy harbour early and then filled up a large cooler with ice from an ice plant. Ice is used to keep any fish we catch nice and cold. After that we followed a BC ferry out to the end of Vancouver Island and then turned right (east) to spend the day fishing near Draney Inlet. We caught 10 salmon but let 5 smaller ones go and kept 5. We also caught some nice ling cod fish but no halibut yet.
We passed some pretty islands that had a lot of seals and Stellar sea lions I'm them, basking in the sun. Brisky and Trooper wanted us to go near the island so they could say hello to them but humans aren't allowed to get within 100 meters of them or we can be fined several hundred dollars for disturbing them. Therefore, Brisky and Trooper just sat in the boat looking at the island, wishing they could be there and meet these interesting looking animals.

Awww! My favourite picture so far!