As we got got closer to Vernon, Brisky and Trooper woke up and asked "Are we there yet?" "Almost", I said. "We should be home in about 10 minutes, around 8am".
"Yay!!!!", they shouted. "We get to see Grandma and Jack and Josiah and Evelyn and Lucy and Jasper again!"
"Well, you should be able to see most of them", I explained, "but Lucy and Jasper are further away since they live in Calgary". "Maybe next time". They seemed to be okay with that but they sure miss Lucy and Jasper.
As we drove into the driveway and stopped the car, they got out of their seatbelt and ran straight to the front door and rang the doorbell. Soon they could hear footsteps and Trooper said "That sounds like Grandma's footsteps!"
The front door opened and they both shouted together "Hi Grandma! We're back! We missed you!"

Grandma picked them up and they gave each other a big hug. Brisky gave Grandma a Brisky Bear Hug. Trooper licked Grandma's face.

Then, the two of them started telling Grandma all about their fishing trip. About the whales they saw, the food they ate, the people they met and most of all, about the fish they caught. Then, an argument arose about who caught the bigger fish. To stop the argument, Grandma gave them both a Really big hug.

When they went into the house, the argument about who caught the bigger fish continued and before long, they started wrestling on the carpet in the living room, laughing and tickling one another.
It was good that they did that because it freed up Grandma's arms so we could give each other a big hug and a big kiss. I sure missed Grandma. Yup, there's no place like home!
Looking forward to their next adventure!