Brisky, however, was pretty quiet. We talked and he soon opened up a bit and then started crying. He was upset at himself for not asking Uncle Andy if he could drive the boat. Through sniffles and tears he told how much he desperately wanted to drive it but was afraid Uncle Andy would say no and he said "If he said no to me, I might start crying right in front of Uncle Matthew and there's no place on a 26 foot boat to hide." I snuggled him close and Trooper put his arm around Brisky's shoulder to comfort him. It was nice time to have a good friend nearby. The truck was quiet for quite a while after that. Every now and again their was a little bear sniff, as Brisky's tears made his nose wet. Trooper gave him a Kleenex and he wiped his tears, blew his little bear nose, flopped his little bear paws on his lap and sniffed "I just have to be more courageous, I suppose". "Bears are supposed to be courageous, I think".
Trooper nodded in agreement and said "I think your courageous Brisky".
We drove on in silence and the two of them fell asleep on the long drive to the ferry in Victoria, snoring occasionally, like little bears and dogs usually do.
They woke up when they heard the ferry honk it's loud horn. "What's that?!" They asked. I said, "That's the ferry, see, it's coming in right now and we're going to be traveling to Vancouver on it." The last time they were on the ferry it was dark so they didn't get to see what it looked it.
"It's HUGE!!", they both exclaimed. "Wow!", Trooper said, "Now there's a boat to drive!" We all laughed and I told them it's called "The Spirit of British Columbia and can carry 470 vehicles and 2,100 passengers".

When we got on board we walked around on the ship and I showed them all the different places and the people who worked on the boat. They were interested to know what the people who had uniforms did for their jobs, so I explained it to them and in some cases they talked with them and asked them questions.
We came to a little room that had a sign on it that said "Chief Steward's Office". Brisky asked him all kinds of questions and in doing so, found out that he is basically in charge of most things except driving the ship, which is done by the Captain and the First Officer.
Brisky looked a bit nervous at that point and he took a deep breath in and asked "Can I drive the boat?" Second Steward Steve said only the captain is allowed to drive the boat and nobody is allowed to even go onto that deck and no one is even allowed to speak to the captain. Brisky looked and at me and Trooper and then back at the Second Steward Steve. He took a deep breath in, stuck out his chest and said "Could you please do me a favour and ask the captain if I can speak with him? I'd like to ask him if I can drive this boat." The Steward smiled and said, "I can ask him if you want, but I don't know if he will allow you". Brisky answered, "Well, I suppose you'll never know unless you ask, will you?" "I suppose you're right", Second Steward Steve said. "Come with me, but don't get you're hopes up".
We went up some stairs and then through a door that said "Staff only beyond this point" and then up some more stairs until we were at the very top of the boat. Then we walked until we came to the front of the boat and there were signs that said "DO NOT ENTER" and the Chief Steward walked us through. Then we walked up another flight of stairs and came to a door that said "NO ADMITTANCE - Captain and navigating crew only".
The Steward asked me to stay outside and he went inside. A little while later he came out and said "The Captain would like to meet Brisky and Trooper". Grandpa , you must stay here until the Captain calls for you. I waited outside wondering what was going on inside. I was afraid that Brisky would be inside scared and maybe even crying. I was glad that Trooper Dog was there to comfort him.
A few minutes later the Steward came out and said Captain Jody and Secind Officer Peter would like to see me now. I got my handkerchief out of my pocket so it would be ready to blow a little bear's nose. When I came in, this is what I saw;

Brisky and Trooper were on Captain Jody's lap, helping him drive the boat!!!
Captain Jody said, "Hello Grandpa, you have some very nice nice and very polite friends here. The politely asked if they could drive the boat and I'm proud to say that I think this is the first time a bear and a dog have ever driven a BC Ferry!"

Then, Captain Jody asked if they'd like to sit in the chair of Second Officer and drive the boat on their own for a few minutes. They gladly agreed and sat quietly in the leather chair. Brisky called out "LEFT FULL RUDDER!" and then Trooper called out "RIGHT FULL RUDDER!"
Brisky called out "WARP SPEED, MR. ZULU!"
The captain laughed and Second Mate whispered to them "I don't think we can go quite that fast".
Later, Second Mate Peter showed them the navigation system. It was a big screen with a map of where the boat was

And then he showed them the power system;

The two pals sat on the power system for quite a while and enjoyed the view. They could see the whole room from their spot on the power system. Every now and again Captain Jody would give them instructions on where and when to turn. Unlike Uncle Andy's boat, there was no steering wheel on this ship. No steering wheel like they have on pirates ships, that are round and have handles on them that stick out and you can grab the handles and steer the ship with them.
Nope, nothing like that. They just have buttons and dials and levers.
After a while, the Chied Steward said it was time to go and the boys thanked them and shook the Captain's hand and said they would never forget the day that they drove the "Spirit of British Columbia!"
As we were leaving Trooper Dog gave Brisky a big hug and thanked him for being such a courageous bear!
And I agree.
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